#GTL2022 - Virginia Doellgast (ILR School at Cornell University)

#GTL2022 - Sandra McNally (University of Surrey)

#GTL2022 - Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick (Birkbeck University)

#GTL2022 - David Lantarón (University of Cantabria)

#GTL2022 - Luis Gil y Gil (University of Alcalá)

#GTL2022 - Philipp Gonon (University of Zurich)

#GTL2022 - Thomas Deissinger (University of Konstanz)

#GTL2022 - Richard Hyman (London School of Economics)

#GTL2022 - Wouter Zwysen (European Trade Union Institute)

#GTL2022 - Viktorija Proskurovska (WEC)

#GTL2022 - Lourdes Mella Mendez (University of Santiago)

#GTL2022 - Christian Lyhne Ibsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

#GTL2022 - Anthony Forsyth (RMIT University)

#GTL2022 - Manfred Weiss (Goethe University) - Some Reflections on the Future of Labour Law