Reflect back to the past, to build the future of work together: a dialogue between ADAPT’s tenth conference and the ILO centenary. – Bergamo (Italy) from 28 to 30 November 2019.

An event of the ADAPT’s International School of Higher Education in Labour and Industrial Relations organised in partnership with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and CIELO Laboral Network, with the support of the World Employment Confederation (WEC).

Since 2009 ADAPT has committed to increasing an awareness that the fundamental principles of labour law have been challenged by major changes not only in technology and the economy, but also in demography and the environment. Hence the need to safeguard people who are in employment and to regulate economic and productive processes, in order to strike a balance between social justice and business competitiveness.

ADAPT’s X International conference & the ILO centenary: shed light on the principle that ‘labour is not a commodity’. This fundamental concept can be found in labour legislation across the globe, both in developed and developing nations, and is often referred to in public events. Yet there are millions of people who are still waiting to benefit from it in their everyday life. We believe that, besides investigating the theoretical foundations of this principle, the international academic community should also undertake to put forward practical proposals, in order to fully implement it. Why don’t you make your contribution?

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