2.00-4.30 pm
What Do Workers Want, Today?
The Perspective of Institutions, International Stakeholders and Research
4.30-6.45 pm
Desafíos contemporáneos en el derecho laboral:
dimensiones globales, derechos fundamentales y conflictos sociales
Défis contemporains du droit du travail:
dimensions globales, droits fondamentaux et conflits sociaux
4.30-6.45 pm
Retos y estrategias actuales en seguridad y salud laboral:
perspectivas desde la digitalización,
igualdad de género y transformación del entorno de trabajo
- NOVELLI room
5.00-6.30 pm
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Going Beyond Technological
Unemployment to Address the Quality of Work?
- STAMPA room
5.00-6.30 pm
PRIN INSPIRE: What Do Workers Want, Today?
Representation and (or?) Participation in a Changing Word
- STUCCHI room
9.00-10.45 am
Evolving Labour Representation: Addressing Climate Action,
Workforce Diversity and Corporate Responsibility in the New Economy
8.45-10.30 am
Formación y empleo ante desafíos nacionales y ambientales: oportunidades y retos para el futuro del trabajo
- NOVELLI room
9.00-10.30 am
Workers and Industrial Relations Against the Background of the Twin-Transitions
Lavoratori e Relazioni Industriali sullo Sfondo delle Transizioni Gemelle
- STAMPA room
9.00-10.30 am
Revisiting Worker Representation on Boards:
the ‘Forgotten’ EU Countries in Codetermination Studies
Ripensare il ruolo dei rappresentanti dei lavoratori
all’interno dei Consigli di amministrazione: gli studi sulla codeterminazione e il caso dei Paesi europei “dimenticati”
- STUCCHI room
11.00 am-12.30 pm
What do Workers Want, Today?
Reflections between Labour Law and Economic Policy
2.30-5.30 pm
Financing the Green Transition. Transnational Collective Bargaining and the Role of EWCs in Supporting European Banks’ Shift Towards Environmental and Social Responsibility. Focus on New Job Profiles
Finanziare la transizione verde. La contrattazione collettiva transnazionale e il ruolo dei CAE nel sostenere il passaggio delle banche europee alla responsabilità ambientale e sociale. Focus sui nuovi profili professionali e sulla riqualificazione dei professionisti e manager
2.00-4.15 pm
Redefining Boundaries: the Right to Rest, Disconnect and Fairness in the Evolving Workplace
- NOVELLI room
4.15-6.45 pm
Inteligencia artificial y derechos colectivos laborales:
nuevas fronteras para la representación de los trabajadores y la seguridad laboral
- NOVELLI room
2.00-4.00 pm
Democracy at Work: Rethinking Participation, Representation
and Worker Autonomy in a Changing Labour Landscape
- STAMPA room
4.15-6.30 pm
Trabajo, transición ecológica y derechos laborales:
retos y oportunidades en un entorno sostenible
- STAMPA room
2.15-4.00 pm
Lifelong Learning and Labour Law: Global Perspectives and Future Directions
- STUCCHI room
4.15-6.30 pm
Global and Local Dynamics for Competitive, Inclusive
and Sustainable Labour Markets
Dinámicas globales y locales para unos mercados laborales competitivos, inclusivos y sostenibles
- STUCCHI room
8.45-10.45 am
Gestión algorítmica y derechos laborales:
desafíos jurídicos y protección en la era de la inteligencia artificial
8.45-10.45 am
Nuevas dinámicas de representación y gobernanza:
retos normativos y sociales en el mundo laboral contemporáneo
- NOVELLI room
8.45-10.45 am
Inclusione e parità di genere nel mercato del lavoro:
esperienze e strumenti per superare barriere e discriminazioni
- STAMPA room
8.45-10.45 am
Managing Workers in the Age of AI: Power, Privacy and the Need for New Rights
- STUCCHI room
11.00 am-12.45 pm
What Do Workers Want, Today? The Industrial Relations Perspective
2.00-3.30 pm
What Do and Do Not Workers Want, Today?
Addressing Inequalities in the Modern Labour Market
3.30-6.00 pm
Concurrent Workshop #20
Anziani, Salute e Mercato del Lavoro
3.30-6.00 pm
Igualdad de género y derechos laborales:
retos y avances en la protección antidiscriminatoria y la conciliación
- NOVELLI room
3.30-5.30 pm
Evolving Labour Rights: Pay Determination, Dismissal Protection and Collective Bargaining in the 21st Century
- STAMPA room
3.30-6.00 pm
Diálogo social, derechos laborales y nuevas perspectivas
en el entorno digital y global
Dialogo sociale, diritti dei lavoratori e nuove prospettive
nel contesto digitale e globale
- STUCCHI room